These pictures show my Chilean family, my apartment, and the surrounding area. Everything is very small, but very nice. In the picture of my family we are having la cena, the nightly meal which occurs around 8:30 or 9:00 pm. The meal consists of a type of meat, bread, salad (no dressing), rice, pasta, or potato, water and juice and a dessert. The first thing my mom did when I arrived was to take me into the bathroom and make me get on the scale. Although I thought this was a bit strange, Cecilia just laughed and said, "Vas a ganar más" which means, you are going to get heavier. It is with pride that the woman of the house serves all the meals and it is disrespectful not to finish everything on your plate. However, the portions are huge and I have had to tell Cecilia many times that I am simply not able to eat so much. She just smiles at me and says in Spanish that I am not to worry, that soon I will be able to eat like everyone else. Así se viven los Chilenos.