It has been really fun to be in Brazil during the World Cup and today's game was probably the most exciting and emotional soccer game that I have ever watched. I saw Brazilians crying, praying and literally exploding with joy and relief when Brazil clinched the victory.
It has also been entertaining to see how much time and effort the locals put into representing their country in terms of fashion. The biggest trends I've noticed for men are wearing Brazil jerseys and crazy hats. The women, on the other hand, are way more dedicated and spend hours doing nails and Brazil flag-inspired makeup.
I did a double take at lunch today when my waitress blinked and I saw the image of the flag perfectly represented on her eyelids. It's quite incredible, really.
But the nail art is over and above anything I've ever seen. It's not hard to snag pictures of impressive nails and eyelids without being a creeper because my students post pictures of all of this excessively on Facebook.
I get asked at least once a week why I don't wear makeup or do my nails. I usually say that I don't have time or that I sweat so much in this crazy heat that it would just melt right off. That doesn't stop me from looking at everyone else and admiring their game day flair, however. The more games Brazil wins = the more national holidays we receive = the more time we have to do makeup and nails to cheer on Brazil. It makes sense if you think about it.