The mission of a U.S. diplomat in the Foreign Service is to promote peace, support prosperity, and protect American citizens while advancing the interests of the U.S. abroad. The work that diplomats do has an impact on the world as they serve at one of any of the more than 270 embassies, consulates and other diplomatic missions in The Americas, Africa, Europe and Eurasia, East Asia and Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, and South Asia.
The duties of a Consular Officer include to provide emergency and non-emergency services to American citizens and protect our borders through the proper adjudication of visas to foreign nationals and passports to American citizens. We adjudicate immigrant and non-immigrant visas, facilitate adoptions, help evacuate Americans, combat fraud, and fight human trafficking. Consular Officers touch people’s lives in important ways, often reassuring families in crisis. They face many situations which require quick thinking under stress and develop and use a wide range of skills, from managing resources and conducting public outreach to assisting Americans in distress.
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Wait a sec, Sarah, your birthday's on the 9th? Really? How did we not know that? (That's Nick's b-day too, so it's my double favorite day now.)
And it goes without saying, "Happy Bithday! Wish we were there!" ;p
How awesome is that!!!! Happy birthday. I must have missed the notifier on Facebook. Oops :) I'm so glad you had such a great time!!!!! :)
Above comment by Tally.... yeah.. hehe :)
I missed calling you this year on your birthday! It looks like you had a great 25th. I was in Michigan for my brother's wedding a couple weeks ago, so I thought of you while I was there. Happy birthday!
Lovin' from Philly,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I've missed you bunches, but I'm glad I have been able to live vicariously through your blogspot.
Love ya girl!!
YouR HAir IS lOVelY!!! I liKE iT... And DenG U SuRE HAd a pAr-Teeh!!!! HappY BiRthDay!!!!
In ITAlY RiTE noW,
W (^_*)
oye gringa... porqué has dejado de escribir?
Hola lokilla!!! tanto tiempo me lei todo tu blog..completito!! jajaj espero que estes bien y supongo que trabajando a full( asi se dice aca) jjaja no escribo en ingle spor que me da miedo jajaja imaginate digo algo mal? todos tus amigos sabran!1 que verguanza galla me mato!!! jajajaja ya mi niña espero que estes bien cuidate y saludos