I've been taking a little vacation from blogging not because there isn't anything going on but rather there's too much and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed these days. During the two weeks so far that we have been home we have been seeing a lot of family and friends, working on the wedding, starting premarital counseling, attempting to get in shape for the wilderness leadership program in September and trying to figure out what we will do next in life. I'm looking forward to blogging more about China just to stay sane and have something to think and write about besides the upcoming big event and the stress of having to figure out a future way to earn income.

For the most part, being a bride is really fun. I don't like all of the decision-making, but I do like spending time with my family and Sean's family while we figure out how things are going to go. Another thing I am realizing is that being remembered, loved and supported feels pretty good. One way my college rommates, Carrie and Mary showed this to me was to hold a beautiful and fun bridal shower for me this past Saturday.

Since most of my family lives far away and many of my Holland friends are always busy or out of town, I wasn't sure that anybody would be able to come but I was happy when high school friends Emily and Becky came along with another friend, Misha. We were also joined by my birth grandma and aunt who drove from Grand Rapids.

Carrie and Mary provided an awesome brunch with coffee and punch and later served homemade strawberry shortcake. Everything tasted so good - it was food I had been looking forward to for a long time. After brunch we played some games; one involved a video of Sean talking about our relationship and how well we know each other and other one required feeling "essential objects for the honeymoon" with our feet that were hidden in socks - pretty entertaining!

It was such a nice morning of fun and fellowship and I'm grateful to my college buds who planned and prepared the event for me and for my friends and family who gave up their Saturday morning to encourage me - Thanks!
SO fun! When is the big day? Looks like you are taking full advantage of being back in Michigan. Congrats to you guys!!