The benefits are that the students are really nice and are motivated to learn English. Most of them come after work (I teach 6:30-8:30 pm) to learn. The class doesn't take much preparation as they give me a book to use and I just use the lesson plans that I use in my oral English classes at the university. Two of my classes are adults or recent graduates who want to improve their English and one class is 5 engineers whose company is paying for them to take the class. They are a lot of fun and now they pick me up at school and drop me off after class in the company car so I don't have to walk and take the bus.
Tonight I had class with the engineers (James, John, Gavin, Lexus and Jason) and they are an absolute riot. I waited outside the school gate and they picked me up at six. They always give me the passenger seat and the four other men cram into the back of the smaller Volkswagen. Usually there is a CD of some type of Chinese pop music playing and all the men sing along (singing is the norm here and karaoke is very popular). The night seems a bit surreal while we cruise along in a small, crowded car as 5 grown men belt out Chinese love songs with the windows down.
Some of the other teachers have worked at Super before and didn't really like it that much - they have nicknamed it "Terrible" which is hilarious. Unfortunately, I have to agree with them. The company is disorganized, last-minute and chaotic. I am constantly getting text messages or phone calls about new changes, adjustments or new/cancelled opportunities. Many times things are decided or handled without me ever knowing about it until after the fact. The employees there don't seem to know how to deal with conflict or confrontation and if I ever bring up questions or concerns I don't get a straight answer. We'll see how it goes. I like my students and just do my own thing unless the company has a problem with it. I don't plan on letting Super take over my life or interfere with my free time or social life but until then things are going just fine.
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