On Sunday I lucky enough to be able to hang out with the girls - Xing xing, Qin Chen, Zhen zhen and Zhao Min. First we had big meal together at one of the restaurants on campus along with Jordan and Sean. It is always extra special to go out to eat with our friends because they always know the tastiest things to order and lunch was awesome.

Sean had to tutor someone down town and Jordan had some lesson planning to do so the rest of us just hung out, chatted, snacked and played some games all afternoon. I had a lot of fun especially when we were attempting to play Mad Gab and Catch Phrase - two games tough for native English speakers - but the Chinese ladies were impressive (and very competitive I might add) and if they didn't know a word they just broke it down and it explained it part by part - it was pretty cool (ie cartwheel or tombstone).
I feel fortunate to have such a cool group of friend who are willing to hang out with a foreigner even when it means that they have to speak in English a lot. Even so, it was really cool to hear real Chinese spoken between them - it definitely doesn't sound like my language-learning CDs!
After several card games we went to dinner on campus and then I headed back to finish some grading before Monday's class. It was a fun Sunday =)
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