It's fun to visit McDonalds in different places because they offer different items on the menu based on the local tastes and types of food available. In Chile, McDonalds had cheese empanadas, in China there were sweet bean pies and strange tangy sauces on burgers and in South Korea we tried the green tea McFlurry. New Zealand has its own range of fast food items in signature Kiwi style. L&P, the national soft drink, is always on tap as a liquid or frozen refreshment and there are oddly-named McFlurries - bubblegum squash anyone?
The most recent McDonalds promotions have featured a lamb burger with all the trimmings Kiwis like including egg, beet root, and the deliciously addictive aoli sauce. Sean was jonesing to try the lamb burger the other day so off to McDonalds we went. Our cashier was a plucky young trainee hailing from Fiji. A large button on his polo read, "Got Lamb?" I asked him if he had tried the famed lamb burger and he said he had and added that it was 'really good.'
Sean ordered the whole Kiwi shebang - a lamb burger meal complete with a frozen L&P. After taking a few bites he pronounced it tasty and interesting but probably not something he would order again. Maybe beet root on your burger is an acquired taste.
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