During one of our field trips for Japanese class, we all needed a coffee in the late afternoon and stumbled into what we presumed was a normal coffee shop. Turns out it was a "Dog Cafe" - a coffee shop where you can take your pet to show off and socialize. It's kind of like Starbucks meets upscale dog park. We decided to stay and order drinks since we were short on time and didn't really know our way around in this part of the city.
The coffees were sub-par, not surprisingly, but the other clients and their four-legged accompaniments provided ample entertainment. The cafe had a dress-up box for the dogs and we watched many a photo session taking place. It definitely seemed like this wasn't the first time these particular canines had tolerated such shenanigans as they stood stock still on stools in front of cameras smiling with doggy grins and wagging tails.
My least favorite thing about the dog cafe was the faint smell of disinfectant used to clean up . . . well, you can imagine and also the occasional clump of fur that would waft by on a draft. Since we were the only ones in the cafe without pets, it was a bit awkward but still interesting. Maybe next time we'll try one of the feline variety.