Don’t get me wrong, I am having fun living and working in China but sometimes the smells get to me especially because the quality of the air is pretty bad already. This post isn’t meant to be mean or insensitive so don’t take it the wrong way – it is just a way to vent about a small frustration that comes with residing in Changzhou.
The smells we commonly detect each day are or resemble the following:
"Top Ten Most Common Smells in Changzhou, China"
10. Fish
9. Wet dog
8. Organic Chem. lab
7. Exhaust
6. B.O.
5. Smoke (from cigarettes and fireworks)
4. Unknown meats and veggies being cooked/grilled/boiled in strange sauces/spices
3. Sewage
2. Model glue
1. Burning rubber
"Top Ten Smells not found in Changzhou, China"
10. Lysol
9. Clean air
8. Glade plug-ins
7. New car smell
6. Coffee
5. Dryer sheets
4. Mouthwash and toothpaste
3. Anything being baked
2. Flowers
1. Perfume, cologne, deodorant, or body spray
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