Huge points go out to Sean for going to an extended family reunion with me in which he had to: drive 10 hours in the car, sleep on a cot in a hotel room with my whole family, repeat China experiences over and over to my relatives and miss most of an ultimate frisbee tournament with his friends in Detroit. Sean, however, handled everything like a gentlemen and even had fun in the process - we got to hike Mt. Nittany, swim in pools, go in hot tubs, eat at good restaurants and explore Penn State.
I was really glad that he was able to come and I know my family appreciated it too. The hours in the car were long on Wednesday, though, and the inevitable construction on I-80 didn't help. Fortunately, Mom always packs good snacks and picnics, we stopped at rest stops a lot, played fun card games (Five Crowns, Phase 10, Cribbage and Farkel) and napped extensively.
Every year our family attends an event known as the "Hammerson Cousins' Campout" which started about 25 years ago as a way for my dad's side of the family to see each other, camp and have a good time together. Surprisingly, this event still continues today. This year, the campout was held in State College, PA to honor my great Uncle Milt's 100th birthday. For the first time we all stayed in hotels instead of camping due to shutdowns of campgrounds in PA because of budget cuts.
The cousins on my dad's side are a particularly intelligent and interesting (also eccentric) bunch of people who like to have fun in unconventional and nontraditional ways. Past campouts have included: Snipe hunts, crazy hat night, joke night, dance competitions and plenty of talking and reminiscing. The campout is called "Hammerson" because it is a combination of the two main last names of "Ham" and "Sanderson" (handmade flags were proudly displayed on each tent or camper and we wore shirts of a similar nature too). This year's campout was the biggest yet with a total of 27 people. It was fun to catch up with relatives I hadn't seen in forever but my favorite part was being able to spend time with my brother and his family and my sister.
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