When you're a housekeeper living in Queenstown, not every day is full of ice cream, unicorns, rainbows and lollipops. Actually, most days aren't full of any of those things. Some days I ride my bike home in the pouring rain and when I get off to walk in the mud (because the hills are too steep for me to ride or I'm too tired) I think, "What exactly am I doing here again?"
But other days I ride home and I see this:
Am I going to get all cliched and corny by saying that one rainbow makes all the bad days worth it? Definitely not. But it helped a little. It didn't improve Sean's day much, however. Since he's the one who organizes and labels the pictures, he was not exactly thrilled to label my 30+ pictures of rainbows that I over-enthusiastically took when I saw it. Overboard? Maybe. But what can I say - you can never have too many rainbow pictures.
That's my girl! :)