A physiotherapist is what we would call a physical therapist in the states, but everyone just calls them "physios" here. A physio is basically a person who helps you recover from illness or injury. We had a physio from Remarkables Physios come and give a class on preventing muscle soreness and injury in the workplace. It was awesome! Melissa gave us a really informative and interactive talk about how not to hurt yourself doing manual labor. She had us practicing lifting things, doing the actions of making beds and vacuuming as well as doing lots of stretches. Sean was also able to attend, even though in-room dining isn't really known to be that strenuous.
We were both so intrigued by the physio that we made an appointment to see them on our day off. Sean wanted to go to see if they could help him with his running form - his leg has been hurting a lot, and I went because I am a sucker for personal attention and wanted extra tips on not getting hurt at work. During my appointment, she checked my alignment and then went through a lot of stretches with me on and off a foam roller. She told me to get in the hot tub at the gym as much as possible, do some swimming and try and fit in some yoga or pilates to relax my muscles. She also gave me a poster of some stretches for manual workers that is now taped to our closet door. Too bad the male model is not that attractive.
This morning at work we started doing stretches as a group during our morning briefing. Since I was already warmed up from biking in to work, they felt pretty good. I think they are trying to keep us especially healthy as both hotels are fully booked next weekend since we are hosting a big PGA tournament. We'll see if all this stretching really makes a difference - I hope it does!
I foam-roll too!