When we make it into town together, I always want to go to Cookie Time. Sean is not a huge fan, but he usually acquiesces and has a bite or two. I try to limit myself to going just once a week, but it's tough. One thing I don't like about Cookie Time is the odd/dumb-looking red bear (called the "Cookie Muncher") that is their mascot. The other thing I don't like about Cookie Time is that there is only one employee so she totally knows who I am and is aware of my frequency of patronage. We're getting to know each other quite well (She's from Sweden and is here on a working holiday visa. Back home she's an architect, but here she is quite happy baking cookies and serving up cold milk. She also gets to eat all the cookies she wants).

I know that you are probably thinking to yourself, what on earth do you do if it's not happy hour and you want two cookies for the price of one? Never fear, just look in a few of the monthly tourist magazines and you can always find a coupon. Cookie Time rocks. Even China agrees - so much so that they are even trying to steal the brand name and/or claim it was theirs to begin with.
How did you determine that was a bear?
I want to go to Cookie Time!
@Dan - lol good point, monster? dinosaur?