One of the things that many Kiwis really like to eat is a spread called Marmite. Marmite is a sticky brown spread that comes in a jar. Kiwis like to spread it on buttered toast, sandwiches or on crackers. Marmite is made from yeast extract which is a by-product of brewing beer. There are a few versions of Marmite: one from Britain, Australia and New Zealand. The version in Australia is called Vegemite.

It is said that concerning Marmite, most have a love/hate relationship. I can say with confidence that I definitely do not love Marmite. It tastes strong, salty, and yeasty - it's what I would imagine sucking on a beef bouillon cube would be like. At work, there are jars of jam, honey, Marmite and peanut butter to spread on your toast and Marmite is definitely a popular choice. Maybe the flavor has to grow on you.

New Zealand Marmite is only manufactured in one factory in Christchurch. Due to the earthquakes and recent strong aftershocks, the company has shut down creating panic-stricken Kiwi Marmite fans. When the news of imminent shutdown reached the nation, mass buying of Marmite ensued and now people are selling it on NZ's version of eBay for over 200x the original price. When we went to the supermarket yesterday I saw the "Marmite Shortage" signs all over the place. I'm thankful that I don't need a Marmite fix to get through my morning, but I'm sad for the other housekeepers that do.
Thank goodness that there isn't a similar Nutella shortage . . . now there's a spread that I am learning not to live without!
Did you happen to notice the brand of that Marmite? Sanitarium! Is that too funny?!